Meetings and Events
Monthly Meetings The "Bridge" and "Executive Committee" of the Lake George Power Squadron, Inc. meet at 6:30 pm (1830 hrs) on the third Wednesday of each month at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Meeting Room, located at 547 Saratoga Rd � Burnt Hills, NY � Visit the church website at for directions. Present and prospective Squadron members are always invited to attend. Meeting last approximately one hour. ALL MEETINGS AND EVENTS ARE PRESENTLY PLACED ON HOLD DUE!
Rendezvous Schedule 2024-25 (ALL Squadron events are on hold)
2024MONTH |
April |
| Annual Meeting |
| May
| Change of Watch (2024-25 Command Year - 7pm (1900hrs) | May 17
| June
| Open event (to sponsor call George or Armand) |
| July
| Open event (to sponsor call George or Armand) |
| August |
| Educational Meeting
| SEO Donna Canestraro |
| Join the Lake George Power Squadron for the annual Educational Meeting. Due to COVID we will not meet in person - Educational details are posted in the July-August issue of the Soundings newsletter - order materials for classes by contacting SEO Donna Canestraro.
| September |
| Tugboat Rally (Waterford) | Tentative Schedule
| City of Waterford
2024 Tugboat Roundup Schedule (times may change) FRIDAY - 9/13 | 1:30PM | Tugs leave Waterford to south to Albany | 2:45PM | Tugboat parade begins in Albany | 3:45PM | Tugboat parade passes Troy | 5-6PM | Tugs arrive at the Port of Waterford | 7-9PM | Live Music |
| SATURDAY - 9/14 | 9AM-9PM | Vendors, Exhibits, Family activities | 9-5PM | Tugboat Tours, Boat Rides | 9AM-9PM | Live music | 8:45PM (Approx.) | Fireworks by Alonzo's |
| SUNDAY - 9/15 | 9AM-5PM | Vendors, Exhibits, Family Activities | 10AM-4PM | Tugboat Tours, Boat Rides, Historic Vessels | Afternoon | Line Throwing Competition at Battery, Tugboat Nose-to-Nose Competition, Awards Ceremony at Visitor Center
| October |
| Open event (to sponsor call George or Armand) |
| November
| Open event (to sponsor call George or Armand)
| December
| (Location To Be Announced)
| Date and Sponsor TBD
| Come celebrate the Christmas season with old friends and meet new ones at the 2022 Tri-Squadron Holiday Party. Details will be posted both here and in the Soundings newsletter closer to the event if it will be held.
| 2025 |
| January
February |
| Open event (to sponsor call George or Armand)
No Rendezvous Required |
| March |
| No Rendezvous Required |
| April
2025 Change of Watch (Command Year 2025-26) Annual Meeting
| Squadron
| Upcoming District 2 Wide Events and MeetingsVisits the District 2 website for upcoming functions: For more information on all Squadron or District events please consult your bi-monthly "LGPS Soundings" newsletter.