Squadron Officers

The Lake George Power Squadron is managed by a "Bridge" of officers elected each year by and responsible to the Squadron membership.  They are assisted in their duties by an Executive Committee also elected from our membership.  Committee Chairpersons and regular members who carry out the Squadron educational programs, events and activities throughout the year are appointed by the Commander and Bridge.  For any position listed as OPEN, please contact the Squadron Commander if you are interested in serving in that position/title.

2024-25 Squadron Officers
Commander  -  P/C George K. Williams, AP
Executive Officer  -  Lt/C John Wainwright, P
Administrative Officer  � Lt Katherine Williams
Secretary  -  Lt/C  David Wilkinson, S
Treasurer  -  P/C Donna S. Canestraro, S (acting)

2024-25 Members-at-Large
P/C  Armand Canestraro, P

Squadron Education Officer
P/C  Donna S. Canestraro, S
Asst. Education Officer - OPEN POSITION

Squadron Membership Legend
Cdr  �  Commander
P/C  -  Past Commander
Lt/C  -  Lieutenant Commander
P/Lt/C  - Past Lieutenant Commander
Lt  -  Lieutenant

S  -  Seaman
P  -  Pilot
AP  -  Advance Pilot
JN  -  Junior Navigator
N  -  Navigator
SN  -  Senior Navigator